Friday, March 20, 2020

Niccoli Machiaveli essays

Niccoli Machiaveli essays In The Qualities of the Prince the author, Niccolo Machiavelli, generates an interesting question; do the desired ends justify the means used in order to achieve them? Machiavelli uses simple comparisons, subtle contradictions, and historical facts to support his view on this ethical issue. In modern society, if one can provide a positive outcome that is satisfying to all, others should not be concerned with the means which were taken in order to get there. The concept of a negative means ultimately establishing a positive outcome is a necessary technique used by any man of authority and is often the last resort of an ethical decision. One who holds any position of authority or rank understands the difficulty it takes in order to acquire satisfaction from his people; for they tend to be placed on a higher level and therefore become judged by their actions. Machiavelli uses several examples and techniques to portray what qualities a prince must maintain to keep his empire pleased while at the same time perform the dirty deeds required for success. The Author discusses six topics filled with historical facts to prove that the ends ultimately do justify the means used in accomplishing them. On the issue of praise or blame Machiavelli states that since a prince has such high qualities to live up to one must be prudent enough to know how to escape the bad reputation of those vices that would lose the state for him (40). Because a prince is pressured into generosity his only resort is to be a miser and manipulate the minds (Machiavelli 46) of his people in order to refrain from being taken advantage of. For you become either poor and despised or, in order to escape poverty, rapacious and hated (Machiavelli 43). On the topic of honesty Machiavelli states that one of authority should be a great hypocrite and liar (Machiavelli 46) in order to succeed as a grea ...

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